“There’s a tournament back in my home country that I want to win next year.”
That’s what Joel told me when we met in December of 2019.
He’s a tennis pro.
“Well, you keep showing up and pushing yourself and you wont have a problem with your fitness when it comes to tennis- that much I can promise you.”
Man I love it when people show up.
I could tell early on he was willing to do the work.
I, personally, wasn’t his coach contact point throughout this lockdown but I kept hearing nothing but good things.
And then he showed up to an outdoor workout.
Damn, dude- looking fit!
And then we got him on the Inbody scanner.
He mentioned throughout last year that he was competitive in the first set, and then after that when he was faced against elite competition it just seemed like they hit another gear.
In reality, it was probably him slowing down.
Well, not anymore.
There may not be a tournament to go back for at the moment.
We may not even be able to travel.
But for Joel, fitness certainly isn’t a problem when it comes to tennis.
Couldn’t be happier for the guy. |