There’s a lot of things I love about CrossFit.
There are literally thousands of different ways to see measurable progress and improvement- from achieving new movements, to vastly improved movement quality.
The ones that stand out by far are improvements in strength (ex. Increasing your back squat or power clean by 10lbs) or retesting a workout and getting faster. I would argue that movement quality is a more important improvement, but these types do stand out because they’re the most tangible.
Getting faster in a workout can also take many shapes and forms.
- Better aerobic capacity on a longer breathing dependant effort.
- Better anaerobic capacity, like power output on a workout like a 500m row or sub 3-4 minute effort.
- Improved aerobic or anaerobic threshold (ie. you body getting used to the discomfort of working near the limits of your abilities)
- Increased movement efficiency leading to less fatigue
- Increased movement efficiency leading to better cycle rate
… I could go on, and on, and on.
Today we saw some HUGE improvements on a retest.
KB Swings
This is our Day 2 workout in our on-ramp program- it’s a great introduction into movements involving the use of forceful hip extension in both hinging and squatting movement patterns. It’s also an unavoidable introduction to the fact that movements with a large range of motion (ROM) are HARD. They’re hard because they require an equally large amount of work.
Anyone remember W = f x d?
Work = force x distance.
On Day 2, we have to be careful. This stuff is potent. As you know, 4 minutes can put you on your back.
If there is any doubt, we’ll chop off the round of 10’s and have them complete 8-6-4-2.
It’s still tough.
If we’ve got a stronger male or female, we’ll use the 24/16kg KB’s- but most often we’ll use the 16/12kg KB’s.
We’ll also usually use a lighter medicine ball.
Burpees often get changed to updowns.
It’s rare to see someone finish under 5 minutes. Like, really rare. We usually try to scale is appropriately so that the person is able to finish in 5-8 minutes or so.
There’s this look that you get as the coach- usually about 1:30-2:00 in- where the athlete’s face says “oh shit- I was not prepared for how hard this was going to hit.” They slow down, get to the finish, and we explain why the workout was difficult.
So today we retested that workout- but with a heavier kettlebell.
KB Swing, 32/24kg (the big ones)
Wallballs, 20/14
I knew there would be a ton of measurable improvement- but you have outdone yourself.
I did some math (because math doesn’t lie) and the AVERAGE time on the workout today was 4:43.
That’s the average- You had some 3 minute and change efforts, some in the 5’s and lots in the 4’s.
The workout was still scaled appropriately, but I would wager that every single person who completed it went considerably heavier, and considerably faster.
What’s this mean?
It means it’s working.
Do you know how many people out there are just straight up confused with fitness- what to do, how to do it, and even trusting that it will work?
Give yourself a quick pat on the back- but know that you can’t get comfortable either.
You don’t own your fitness. You rent it- and rent is due daily.
Josh Bridges
Keep showing up. Keep moving forward.